Why Slork
Why Start With


What pandemic brought us was the VUCA world and it continues to exist as the Macroeconomic headwinds, supply chain disruptions, geopolitical tensions continue to persist among other endless headwinds.

While technology based Digital Transformation seems to be the most sought approach it is not the same as in the past.

Businesses and IT need to be agile in the face of economic uncertainty and need to double down on digital business initiatives, but need to balance it with technology efficiently.

But the technology initiatives need to leverage a rapidly changing technology landscape that includes Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Computing, IoT, Advanced Analytics, Data Science, APIs, Blockchain, Unified Customer Views, Robotic Process Integration and so many more that will emerge. But how will the businesses and IT Companies keep up with the pace of change and build and rebuild skills that are needed at a rapid pace at scale and efficiency ? It is a hard problem and it one of the top challenges for Businesses and IT Ecosystems?

This is where Slork comes in. We help businesses and IT companies to rapidly build skills at scale and much needed flexibility and agility. We offer these unique value propositions to our customers.

According to an IDC read on 2023 CEO Agenda “87% of CEO’s stated that they are looking to sustain or increase technology spending in 2023"

We Offer Our Customers With

Unique Value Propositions

Skills Platform built on Data and Intelligence
Skills Platform built on Data and Intelligence

Next generation of skill development at rapid pace, at scale with efficiency requires 3 key players in the ecosystem to collaborate to work towards a common goal, that is to drive customer value fast! These three players are the Practitioners, IT Services Companies and Technology Providers.

We bring all three players on a single platform underpinned by Skills Intelligence. Skills Intelligence is curated data that provides Learning Journeys, Credentials and Skill Development & Practice Development Tools.

Know More About Slork
Agile Services
Agile Services

We complement the Skills Platform with skill development and skill augmentation services for IT Service Companies and Technology Providers. These services along with the Skills Platform provide a powerful solution to rapid skill development at scale.

Explore Skills 360 Platform
Partnerships with Technology Providers
Partnerships with Technology Providers

Technology providers define the technology landscape today and provide content and credentials that authenticates practitioners of their skills. We intend to cover every major technology provider to bring authentic data, content and their promotions and campaigns to IT Service companies and Practitioners. Our partnerships with Technology providers also intend to help them build their practices in the IT ecosystem.

Explore Training and Enablement
Skill Development Ecosystem
Skill Development Ecosystem

We believe today's skill development demands are diverse, fast changing and urgent in nature that it does not allow a single service provider to cater the entire market spectrum. Therefore we offer our services that leverage a striving ecosystem of many service providers, freelancers and small and boutique skill development companies. We believe this is the only way we can help the ecosystem in rapid skill development at scale.

Explore Skill Agumentation

We help businesses and IT companies to rapidly build skills at scale and much needed flexibility and agility